- Urinate frequently
- Urge
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Small bits pee
- Sometimes, blood in the urine
- No fever, at most slight increase.
- Keep drinking a lot for a few days, the symptoms often disappear spontaneously.
- If symptoms are severe or last longer than one week ask for an antibiotic
I keep complaints. I’m not sick, I have no pain in my back and do not have high fever:
- You have a simple bladder infection, please bring a sample of morning urine to our practice. An appointment is not necessary. The assistent test your urine if it’s a bladder infection.
When should I make an appointment to have your urine checked?
- If you have alarm symptoms such as high fever and backache
- If you have a cystitis frequently (more than 3-5 per year)
- If the antibiotic has no effect after a few days
- If you are pregnant or have diabetes
How do I revise my urine?
Spend 2 hours after you urinate morning urine to our practice. An appointment is not necessary.